With the Christmas season here, I love to watch people be nice to one another. I love to help out other people, and wish we were more financially stable so that we could do more. Carrie, thank you for bringing over that bag of clothes! I went through and picked out stuff for Daniel, then was going to take the rest to the DI, but I kept putting it off. (In fact, it's still not at the DI...) Anyways, a friend came over to use some of my scrap fabric to fix a toy. She was fixing it for a needy family that she knows of. They have a 9 month old boy and a 3 year old boy and no way to provide Christmas. I asked her if she needed any more clothes for the baby, but she said that everyone had stuff for the baby. Luckily, I remembered the bag for the DI. We went through and picked some clothes out for the little boy. I know that it was not much, but I wish I could witness the joy on his face when he gets some toys and clothes on Christmas!
The other night, Cody and I went out to dinner. We were getting ready to leave and our waitress came up. She said we had two checks. I thought that maybe there was a mistake on the first one, so we would have to pay separately. She then explained: before we had ordered dessert (I have been craving ice cream...) someone pointed us out and paid for our meal!!! On the receipt it says "Merry Christmas from a random stranger!" I couldn't believe it. I started tearing up! How sweet and amazing that someone would do that!
Anyways, I just wanted to blog about it. I wish that everyone would do more things like that all the time, not just Christmas. That stranger made my whole week better!! I have the receipt in my bag still. Even though I don't know who did it for us, they will now hold a special place in my heart. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and remember the real reason for this special season. Jesus Christ our Savior was born so that He could be our example. Then He lovingly laid down His life for us so that we could return to Him again.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Random Cabo Videos
So, I finally found the cord to my camcorder.... So here are some of my favorite videos from our trip to Cabo San Lucas!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Danny's first Halloween! (Sorry it's been so long!)
So, as most of you know, Cody is a HUGE Star Trek fan. Well, has has gotten me into it, too. After this new movie came out, I was hooked. I agreed that we had found the perfect Halloween costumes...
Cody was Captain Kirk, I was Uhura, and Daniel was Spock! (I made the costumes!)

Daniel had a Spock wig, too! (It was an adult size, but it worked.) He didn't care for it!

Here are some of our pumpkins. Cody and I did two each. Cody did: the Lincoln Memorial and the "Boo" face. I did: Ariel the Little Mermaid and Tigger. It was fun.

Daniel liked to chew on the pumpkin pieces!

We had a great Halloween!

Daniel had a Spock wig, too! (It was an adult size, but it worked.) He didn't care for it!

Here are some of our pumpkins. Cody and I did two each. Cody did: the Lincoln Memorial and the "Boo" face. I did: Ariel the Little Mermaid and Tigger. It was fun.

Daniel liked to chew on the pumpkin pieces!

We had a great Halloween!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Cabo San Lucas!!
So Cody, Daniel, and I were able to go to Cabo with Cody's family! It was sooo much fun!
Danny was great on the plane rides! He only cried a few times. (That's the wonderful thing about taking Tylenol PM the night before!)
He loved the water and was the talk of the resort!! It was so much fun to swim together!

We took family pictures on the beach that turned out perfectly!
This was the picture of the vacation. Grandpa Neil "babysitting" the two babies in the shade!!!
It was so much fun, and I was so grateful to be a part of it! Thank you Owen family!

It was so much fun, and I was so grateful to be a part of it! Thank you Owen family!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Taking Advantage of the Warm Weather When It's Here...
So, the weather has been kind of crazy! We have been trying to make a tradition of having a picnic on Sundays, but it all depends on Utah's messed up weather! Here are some pictures of our picnics and some Easter family pictures!
The next picture is Daniel in his hat for Cabo. We were trying to get him used to it.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Daniel's Blessing
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Daniel is 5weeks old!!

I can't believe is has been five weeks already. Little Daniel is growing so much, as much as I try to stop it! He holds his head up for long periods of time. I think he smiles... It could just be gas still, but maybe not. He is growing into his newborn clothes! Haha!

We love our little boy so very much! He is so cute and loving. He loves to be held! (Even at night...which is hard because he cries when I put him in his bassinet... but we're working on it.) Some nights he even sleeps five hours in a row, but most of the time it's three hours.
We got portraits done when he was three weeks old.
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Friday, January 30, 2009
I love being a mommy!
So, even though I get almost no sleep, I love being a mommy! Daniel is so sweet! He will be three weeks old tomorrow! I can't believe it has been three weeks already.
On Monday, we had our two week well check. He was weighed and measured and had to be poked for his PKU test. He is growing. Daniel is now 6lbs 4.5oz and 20inches long! Unfortunately, he is in an awkward phase: preemie clothes have too short of legs for him, but newborn clothes are still too big! Poor baby has to choose between not being able to stretch out his legs or have baggy clothes!Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The First Week

Well, we survived the first week!!! My mom came and stayed with us, which was a huge help. Then Thursday my nana came and helped out. It was awesome to have the family support this first week. I can already tell that my cute little baby is growing! He is such a sweetheart. Here are some picture highlights from the week.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Baby Daniel

Well, we now have a new addition to our family! Daniel Mark Owen was born January 10, 2009 at 7:35pm. He was 5lbs and 8oz and 18.5in long. He is perfect in every way, and he definitely was the cutest baby in the nursery! (I'm not biased...)
He spent a while in the NICU, which was really hard and scary for us. He had low blood sugar they think from a stressful delivery. He didn't want to eat on his own, and he couldn't stay warm. Then they told us he might have an infection, so they started antibiotics and did some labs. Monday afternoon, they gave the okay and brought him back to us! Tuesday afternoon we took him home. Unfortunately, he is an alien baby... He has the billi-lights for jaundice. We have to keep him on the lights all the time except when I feed him and change his diaper.

The delivery is a great story. We chaecked into the hospital for high blood pressure and a two week headache at 10:40am. At 11:30am Dr Noorda broke my water and said I was dilated to a 1 1/2. They checked me every hour and prepared me for a long delivery. My mom and brother came up and helped Cody entertain me. They checked one hour and I was a 2+. The next hour I was a 3. At about 5:30pm I was a 4+. I was excited to almost be at the plataeu! We were playing a round of Uno, when I started feeling some pressure through the epidural. Then the nurse came in to check me because Daniel's heart rate was dropping at every contraction. It was 6:40ish. She was in shock. I was at a 10!! In less than an hour I went from a 4 to a 10!! Well, they told us we were going to do an hour of rest and then deliver... Daniel had other plans. His heart rate began to drop, so they decided it was time. The nurses and Cody lifted my legs into the stirrups and gasped. I will never forget the image of three nurses and Cody standing wide-eyed at the end of my bed. He was coming out with or without the doctor. Quickly, they rolled me onto my side and called Dr Noorda to find out where he was. He was running through the parking lot! The nurses put me back up and said to glove him as he ran in. Dr Noorda came in as they told me to do my first push. I couldn't feel anything, so I didn't know if I was pushing or just making a face. I pushed three times, and then the contraction ended. The next contraction they told me to push again... Dr Noorda was trying to get his robe on. I pushed... and Daniel flew out. Dr Noorda had to jump and catch him in his robe!! The nurse clamped his umblical cord and Cody leaned over to watch.... It squirted blood all over his face and shirt! Cody was dripped with blood! It was really funny. Anyways, Daniel had his cord wrapped around his neck and shoulder, but was doing good. It was something we will never forget.

I am so grateful to have my baby home. He is just so sweet and perfect. He has sooo much hair! I can't get over it! I am grateful that my mom came and is staying with me for awhile. Our first night home was a long night. I'm glad I can nap during the day while Daniel is napping. I can't wait to update this blog and keep everyone up on Daniel's progress. Hopefully, he will be off the lights soon. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow where they will check his billirubin levels again. Also, he gets circumcised tomorrow... Poor little guy!
Anyways, we love all and are so excited to start this journey as new parents.
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